Hi! I’m Rachel Millard
I am a university-qualified nutritionist and personal trainer. More than that though, I am a wife and busy mum to three young children (5-year-old twins and a 9-year-old). I understand that trying to juggle work, parenting, social life and your sanity takes up 99% of your precious time. I know that you feel confused about how to create a life that is healthy for you and your family. I help my clients break down barriers and provide them with education and support to take their health into their hands in a sustainable way that lasts a lifetime. I won't sugar coat it and am known for my no BS approach. I am honest and upfront with helping you along your journey.
- Bachelor of Nutrition from Torrens University Australia (2020)
- Certificate in Applied Sports Nutrition from Sports Nutrition Australia (2020)
- Certificate III and IV in fitness (2011)
- Level 2 Thump Boxing for Fitness trainer (2011)
- Strength Systems International Certification Level 1&2 (2021).
- AWPT - Women’s certification course (2022).
- AWPT - 6 months mentorship (currently undertaking).
My Story
I'd always been an active kid, but into my late teens I made some very poor choices around health (alcohol, smoking). Around this time I had also seen my mother suffer from serious health conditions and decided then and there that I didn't want the same fate.
While I was always interested in health I wasn't sure which particular path I wanted to take to turn this into a career. So, in 2011 I completed my personal training certification and started training clients at my local gym. Although I loved this, I found that my clients results were somewhat hindered by their eating habits and I wasn't qualified to help them much in that domain. Fast forward to 2015, with a 3 year old in tow, I decided to complete my Bachelor of Nutrition degree. It took me 5 years part-time to complete - through some serious ups and downs; my husband being diagnosed with cancer, our twin pregnancy, raising our eldest and working a part time job.
And this is exactly what equips me to do what I do so well - I know how to prioritise your health, juggle work, the family and all the other stuff life throws at you.
Let me give you the tools to build your healthiest life.